
What do we do at
Evergreen Forest Nursery?

At our setting we ensure that our staff are always thinking of new activities and providing lots of fun activities for our children to learn through play. We follow a “Child interest led” approach where we take inspiration for planned activities and resources from the observations of our children. Our environment is planned and designed carefully to offer a fun stimulating setting  where all our children are free to take the lead and follow their own play urges!

Personal, Social & Emotional

The most important thing we believe we do at our nursery is have fun and play with our friends. We also provide the children with a healthy snack and a drink of milk with each session, this is to encourage healthy eating.  Our children are encouraged to be independent, so this is skills such as pouring their own drinks and help cut up snack (Observed) and also putting on coats/wellies!


Communication & Language

In our forest nursery there are plenty of opportunities for Listening and attention activities. Children are able to build upon skills and support their learning through asking lots of who, when why, what and how questions. 


Children will always have access to a variety of books. Each day a story will be read to the children and visual aids such as puppets, story sacks and props will be used to help them make sense of the stories and characters. Children enjoy listening to stories as part of a group and have fun joining in!



Children will have fun learning maths skills through playing in the forest especially in our mud kitchen. They will learn about different quantities, shapes, organising, sorting and learning about numbers & counting.

Physical Development

 Spending time outdoors is very important for children  and at our nursery we will go outdoors every day no matter what the weather because we believe that the fresh air and wide open spaces are beneficial for children in all the learning areas. We have a garden which the children access daily. 


Understanding the world

Our staff help to guide children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology, and especially the environment. 

Expressive Arts & Design

Children enjoy playing with a variety of different media and materials. Here, at our nursery we ensure that children can explore freely which allows them to adapt. change and take lead of their activity. Children are given opportunities to experiment with the knowledge they already have to help them adapt, change and make predictions. This is why we strongly believe that outdoor messy play provides valuable sensory experiences for children of all ages.
